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Our Mission

Bright Beginnings works with Native American women who are or are at risk of abusing substances and are currently pregnant or have recently delivered. Intensive case management services and weekly group meetings provide parenting and cultural education to help women in their sobriety. Some of the cultural teachings the group regularly does are around ceremony teachings, women’s teachings, ribbon skirt making, creation stories, moccasin making, seasonal teachings, medicine gathering/sage picking, and more. Bright Beginnings assists moms and families with newborn and baby items, transportation to appointments, including connection to prenatal appointments, and any needed treatment or chemical health evaluation. Referrals to the program can be through self-referral, a social worker, a school professional, a county worker, or a community agency. Bright Beginnings has also launched a pilot program with Hennepin County to work with Child Protection and intervene in cases earlier with the goal of keeping babies with their mothers.

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